Happy #MotherhoodMonday to all the amazing moms out there, including Miranda who had a wonderful birth experience using midwifery care! Thank you for sharing your journey with the community. Let`s celebrate the power of women and the beauty of bringing new life into the world 💕
#birthcenter #naturalbirth #tourmalinecollective #holistichealth #firstbaby #sandiego
Happy #MotherhoodMonday to all the amazing moms out there, including Miranda who had a wonderful birth experience with midwifery care! Let`s celebrate the power of women and the beauty of bringing new life into the world 💕 @miranda.olea ...
Did you know that midwifery care can have a positive impact on birth outcomes? Statistics indicate that midwifery care is associated with lower maternal mortality rates and reduced instances of birth trauma. Despite having the highest maternal mortality rate among developed countries, the utilization of midwifery care in America remains low.
Midwifery care provides personalized, supportive and holistic care throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Midwives prioritize building relationships with their clients and use evidence-based practices, such as continuous labor support and management techniques, which can lead to lower rates of interventions such as cesarean sections and episiotomies. Midwifery care has been associated with improved maternal and infant health outcomes and contributes to a more positive birth experience for families.
Come tour Tourmaline and discover the exceptional care and support you deserve.
#midwifery #midwiferysandiego #birthcenter #birthcenterbirth #doulasandiego #midwifery #betterbirthoutcomes
Tourmaline Birth and Wellness Collective`s Birth Package offers services that most don`t. We take great pride in giving the upmost care and attention to our clients and their transformative journey. Below you will find detailed services offered in our birth package:
What IS Included in the Tourmaline Birth and Wellness Collective Birth Package:
1. Comprehensive Prenatal Visits: Enjoy extended 1-2 hour appointments that provide thorough prenatal care and personalized attention. Although we follow the normal Obstetric schedule for prenatal visits we do not put a cap on these appointments to assure 5. our clients that need added support receive the care they deserve.
2. Labs and Genetic Testing: Receive all necessary laboratory tests and genetic screenings based on your preferences.
3. 24/7 Midwife Support: Our dedicated midwives are available round-the-clock from the moment you start receiving care, ensuring prompt assistance and guidance for normal pregnancy-related concerns, including IV hydration, antibiotics, herbal remedies, and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.
4. Essential Ultrasounds: Access all essential ultrasounds to monitor the health and development of your baby. We have our in house ultrasound clinic with Unique Ultrasound the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
5. 5-Week Intensive Childbirth Education: Our comprehensive 5-week childbirth education program that covers prenatal, birth, postpartum, and newborn care, as well as breastfeeding, is included in your package and is required for both the client and partner/support person to attend. This program is suitable for both in-hospital and out-of-hospital births.
Continued in comments.
Doulas are the superheroes of the birthing world, providing essential support and guidance to new moms and families. From labor to postpartum, they offer unwavering encouragement and care. This video explains why Doula`s make birth experiences empowering and unforgettable.
#DoulaLove #BirthSupport #NewMoms #tourmaline #birthcentersandiego
Take a moment to honor the women in your life ❤️ Their strength is unmatched, their love is limitless, and their sacrifices are immeasurable.
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